Our communities

True Hospitality for good

In the heart of Walkrys International Hotel Services LTD lies a true passion to help and care for others. It comes naturally to a company that promises real hospitality for everyone. Together, our goal is to work with charity partners to help change lives and make the world a better place by building skills and offering education in disaster communities
Skills and education
We strive to exert a positive influence on communities, stimulate local economic development and help create more sustainable communities through hospitality training. We strive to provide unique opportunities to build and develop hotel skills, helping those in need to regain employment or start a new career. Working with our partners from non-governmental organizations, we can focus on supporting people furthest from employment to achieve their potential. Thanks to our program, we work in our local communities and with academic partners to offer professional experience in hotels or corporate offices. Our goal is to help in developing a group of qualified, motivated and committed people capable .
Disaster relief
Just as our hotels can be a place for people and communities to come together in times of celebration, we know they can also play a vital role in providing security and refuge when disaster strikes. We have a proud history of helping local communities and our colleagues in times of need, and educating people in disaster preparation scheme.