
We have comprehensive Group-wide policies on key Responsible Business issues, including:
Code of Conduct Approach to Tax Environment Human rights Diversity and Inclusion Supporting our community Walkrys Vendor Code of Conduct We regularly review our policies and implementation procedures to ensure we continue to meet best practice in these areas. Our focus in the coming year will be on refining policies and rolling them out across the Group.
Code of Conduct
At Walkrys, doing business responsibly is a core part of our culture. It underpins our entire strategy and our commitment to providing True
Hospitality for everyone. The Walkrys Code of Conduct (Code) supports all of us in making the right decisions. It sets out the principles we must all work by at Walkrys, wherever we are in the world. It also provides guidance on where to go if colleagues are faced with a difficult issue and need further help. The Code is applicable to all our Directors, officers and employees.
We acknowledge our responsibility to respect the environment and manage our impacts for the benefit of the communities in which we operate, and
we are committed to measuring and managing those impacts and finding innovative ways to reduce them. We will: implement sound environmental practices in the design, development and operation of our hotels. encourage the development and integration of sustainable technologies. endeavour to reduce our use of energy and water, and re-use and recycle the resources consumed by our business wherever practical. engage our customers, colleagues, hotel owners, suppliers and contractors in our efforts to protect the environment. provide the training and resources required to meet our objectives. monitor, record and benchmark our environmental performance on a regular basis. make business decisions that take these commitments into account. communicate our policies, practices and
programmes to all our stakeholders.
Diversity and Inclusion
Walkrys is a global business with a global outlook. Our colleagues represent multiple nationalities, as well as the many cultures, religions, races, sexual orientation, backgrounds and beliefs that make the world such an interesting place. It makes for a diverse and inclusive culture we’re proud of, and it’s why our purpose is to provide True Hospitality for everyone. We’re a business all about people – over 400,000 colleagues who together create a diverse and inclusive culture that’s valued by millions of guests staying in our hotels, thousands of owners investing with us, and the talent of tomorrow who choose to work with us. We just wouldn’t be able to achieve great things if we were all the same. Walkrys is crucial to who we are, how we work together and how we grow our business.
Supporting our communities policy 
We are committed to active involvement in the local communities around our hotels and corporate offices. That means being a
valued, responsible community partner by ensuring that our business objectives enhance the quality of life in the community. The aim of our community investment is to support global efforts that represent the business goals of Walkrys and which make a positive difference to the communities in which we operate. The activities we support must be aligned with our corporate values and our Code of Conduct.
Who we suport 
At a corporate level, we focus on: The environment – we understand our responsibility to respect the environment and manage its impacts for the benefit of the communities in which we operate (e.g. energy, waste and water savings). Local economic opportunity – we support the development of sustainable opportunities in the community, especially in terms of education and skills training to enhance employment opportunities in the hospitality industry, predominantly through the Walkrys. Disaster relief – we are committed to helping provide disaster relief when natural and man-made disasters affect our hotels and the local communities surrounding them.
Our approach to charitable giving
Contributions are only made to organisations with verifiable charity status and whose ethical principles are consistent with our Code of Ethics and who align to one of our three focus areas. We do not support organisations that discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, gender, age, physical challenge or national origin. In addition, we will not generally provide contributions to: individuals. religious organisations. general operating support for hospitals and health care institutions. capital campaigns. endowment funds. conferences, workshops or seminars not directly related to our business interests. multi-year grants; only the first year of multi-year requests will be assured, with support in subsequent years dependent upon annual evaluation. political donations of any kind.
Community partnerships
In choosing which community organisations to support, primary consideration is given to requests that meet the following criteria: exhibit a clear purpose and defined need in one of Walkrys three areas of focus. recognise innovative approaches in addressing the defined need. demonstrate an efficient organisation and detail the organisation's ability to follow through on its proposal. explain clearly the benefits to Walkrys and our hotel communities. At local level, our approach is to encourage our local managers and employees to use this policy as a common sense guide in deciding what is right for their community, while ensuring that all decisions conform to our Code of Ethics.
Vendor declares herewith:
Compliance with Laws and Regulations to comply with the laws of the applicable countries in which it operates as well as international laws related to the conduct of business. Labour and Human Rights:- to support the protection of human rights, particularly those of its employees, the parties with whom it conducts business and the communities where it operates. to respect its employees' rights to voluntary freedom of association under the law. to provide a safe and healthy working environment. to not support forced and compulsory labour or the exploitation of children. to support the elimination of employment discrimination and harassment, and promote diversity in the workplace. to provide employees with remuneration and tools for growing their careers, and take their wellbeing into consideration.

Environmental Protection:
to implement sound environmental practices in the design, development and operation of its business and provide the training and resources required to implement such practices. to encourage the development and integration of sustainable technologies and to endeavour to reduce the use of energy and water, and re-use and recycle the resources consumed by its business wherever practical. to engage its customers, colleagues, partners, suppliers and contractors in its efforts to protect the environment. to monitor, record and benchmark environmental performance on a regular basis.

Business Integrity:
to tolerate no form of and not to engage in any form of corruption or bribery, including any payment or other form of benefit conferred on any government official for the purpose of influencing decision making in violation of law. to safeguard from disclosure Walkrys confidential and proprietary information as well as its employee and customer privacy and personal information. to avoid business activity that would conflict or interfere with the provision of products and services to Walkrys. to accurately record and disclose information regarding business activities, structure, and financial situation and performance in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and industry practices.

Supply Chain
to use reasonable efforts to ensure that vendors, subcontractors and suppliers also operate in a manner consistent with the Vendor Code of Conduct. Note that this document is not intended to create new or additional third party rights or obligations in favour of third parties, including any rights of, or obligations to, employees of the vendor. It supplements, but does not supersede, any rights maintained by Walkrys under any contract or agreement with any vendor. Walkrys reserves the right to reasonably update, alter or change the requirements of the Walkrys Vendor Code of Conduct. In such an event, Walkrys expects the vendor to accept such changes and act accordingly.